Here is a list of all struct and union fields with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- x -
- x
: AMRFixed
, AnsiContext
, AudioAPContext
, AVDetectionBBox
, AVDeviceRect
, AVSubtitleRect
, AVVideoRect
, BlockXY
, cavs_vector
, chord
, CodingUnit
, CompandSegment
, CropContext
, DatascopeContext
, DelogoContext
, DrawBoxContext
, DrawboxVAAPIContext
, DrawGraphContext
, DrawTextContext
, DVBSubDisplayDefinition
, EBUR128Context
, ElsDecCtx
, FeedbackContext
, FFBesselFilter
, FFIIRFilterState
, FloodfillContext
, GlyphInfo
, IntMotionVector
- X
: JPEGRawFrameHeader
- x
: keypoint
- X
- x
: Minima
, MotionVector
, MotionXY
, Mv
, MV
, Neighbour
, OpenGLVertexInfo
, OverlayContext
, PadContext
, PadOpenCLContext
, PadVAAPIContext
, PGSSubObjectRef
, PixscopeContext
, Point
, Points
, PosCode
, PosPairCode
, ReconstructedArea
, rect
, Rectangle
- X
: SBCDSPContext
- x
: SliceArgs
- X
: SpectralBandReplication
- x
: StackItem
, StackItemRegion
, State
, SubBand
, svq1_pmv_s
, Tile
, TrueMotion1Context
, dim3
, v2u16_t
, v3u16_t
, v3u8_t
, VectorscopeContext
, VObj
, vorbis_floor1_entry
, VP56mv
, VP8intmv
, VP8mv
, VP9mv
, VP9TileData
, x_and_coeff
, XbinContext
, XCBGrabContext
, ZPcontext
- x0
: CodingUnit
, GradientsContext
, TransformBlock
, TransformUnit
- x1
: CropDetectContext
, cvid_strip
, event_info
, FFBoundingBox
, GradientsContext
, OscilloscopeContext
, SwapRectContext
- x2
: CropDetectContext
, cvid_strip
, event_info
, FFBoundingBox
, OscilloscopeContext
, SwapRectContext
- x264_build
: H2645SEIUnregistered
, H264Context
- x264_params
: X264Context
- x264opts
: X264Context
- x265_opts
: libx265Context
- x8
: VC1Context
, WMV2DecContext
- x8_type
: VC1Context
- x96_crc_present
: DCACoreDecoder
- x96_high_res
: DCACoreDecoder
- x96_nchannels
: DCACoreDecoder
- x96_offset
: DCAExssAsset
- x96_pos
: DCACoreDecoder
- x96_rand
: DCACoreDecoder
- x96_rev_no
: DCACoreDecoder
- x96_size
: DCAExssAsset
- x96_subband_buffer
: DCACoreDecoder
- x96_subband_samples
: DCACoreDecoder
- x96_subband_size
: DCACoreDecoder
- x96_subband_start
: DCACoreDecoder
- x_coeff
: SubBand
- x_est
: PredictorState
- x_expr
: CropContext
, DelogoContext
, DrawBoxContext
, DrawboxVAAPIContext
, DrawTextContext
, OverlayContext
, OverlayCUDAContext
, PadContext
, PadOpenCLContext
, PadVAAPIContext
, QREncodeContext
, ZPcontext
- x_expr_str
: ZPcontext
- x_freq
: DCALbrTone
- X_high
: SpectralBandReplication
- x_image_offset
: SampleParams
- x_image_range
: SampleParams
- x_imax_syncword_present
: DCAXllDecoder
- x_list_dim
: vorbis_floor::vorbis_floor_u::vorbis_floor1_s
- X_low
: SpectralBandReplication
- x_max
: AVMotionEstContext
- x_min
: AVMotionEstContext
- x_off
: VmdVideoContext
- x_offset
: APNGFctlChunk
, PNGDecContext
, TeletextContext
- x_pexpr
: CropContext
, DelogoContext
, DrawTextContext
, OverlayContext
, OverlayCUDAContext
, QREncodeContext
- x_pos
: AudioSurroundContext
, DebandContext
, DVBSubObjectDisplay
, DVBSubRegionDisplay
, HistogramContext
- x_position
: OverlayCUDAContext
, OverlayOpenCLContext
- x_subsample
: OverlayOpenCLContext
- x_syncword_present
: DCAXllDecoder
- x_vpdu
: VVCLocalContext
- xavs2_opts
: XAVS2EContext
- xb
: FMVCContext
- xbits
: IVIHuffDesc
- xblen
: Plane
- xBlue
: ColorSystem
- xbr_offset
: DCAExssAsset
- xbr_size
: DCAExssAsset
- xbsep
: Plane
- xch_pos
: DCACoreDecoder
- xcolumns
: AAXContext
- xcorrelate
: AudioXCorrelateContext
- xdat
: AudioFragment
- xdat_in
: AudioFragment
- xdelta
: EXRContext
- xdim
: PredictorCoefficients
- xend
: SpectrumSynthContext
- xeve_params
: XeveContext
- xf
: ThreadData
, XFadeContext
, XFadeOpenCLContext
- xfade
: AudioFIRContext
- xfade_is_over
: XFadeOpenCLContext
- xfrm
: MJpegDecodeContext
- xGreen
: ColorSystem
- xi
: ThreadData
- xin
: ThreadData
- xInc
: FilterContext
- xinc
: PayloadContext
- xing_frame
: MP3Context
- xing_frame_offset
: MP3Context
- xing_frame_size
: MP3Context
- xing_offset
: MP3Context
- xing_toc
: MP3DecContext
- xleft
: VideoState
- xll
: DCAContext
- xll_delay_nframes
: DCAExssAsset
- xll_offset
: DCAExssAsset
- xll_size
: DCAExssAsset
- xll_sync_offset
: DCAExssAsset
- xll_sync_present
: DCAExssAsset
- xma
: XMADecodeCtx
- xmax
: EXRContext
, FOCContext
, MotionEstContext
- xmedian
: XMedianContext
- xmin
: EXRContext
, FOCContext
, MotionEstContext
- xo
: TestSourceContext
- xoff
: ThreadData
- xoffset
: FBDevContext
, frame_header
, Plane
, VP7MVPred
- xoffsets
: NLMeansVulkanContext
- xor
: InterBlock
- xover
: AudioCrossoverContext
- xpos
: Cell
, CUContext
, IVIMbInfo
, IVITile
, OscilloscopeContext
, PixscopeContext
, ShowSpectrumContext
, SpectrumSynthContext
, VideoState
- xprime
: ThreadData
- xRed
: ColorSystem
- xscale
: PerlinContext
, VignetteContext
- xsd_metric_type
: H264SEIGreenMetaData
- xsd_metric_value
: H264SEIGreenMetaData
- xsd_strict
: XMLContext
- xsize
: EXRThreadData
- xSize
: EXRTileAttribute
- xsize
: frame_header
, xvid_context
- xsub
: EXRChannel
- xv_port
: XVContext
- xvid_build
: Mpeg4DecContext
- xWhite
: ColorSystem
- xxch_core_mask
: DCACoreDecoder
- xxch_crc_present
: DCACoreDecoder
- xxch_dmix_coeff
: DCACoreDecoder
- xxch_dmix_embedded
: DCACoreDecoder
- xxch_dmix_mask
: DCACoreDecoder
- xxch_dmix_scale_inv
: DCACoreDecoder
- xxch_mask_nbits
: DCACoreDecoder
- xxch_offset
: DCAExssAsset
- xxch_pos
: DCACoreDecoder
- xxch_size
: DCAExssAsset
- xxch_spkr_mask
: DCACoreDecoder
- xy
: HysteresisContext
- xyb
: LibJxlEncodeContext
- xyb_encoded
: FFJXLMetadata
- xyoffsets_buf
: NLMeansVulkanContext
- xyz2rgb_matrix
: SwsInternal
- xyz_scratch
: SwsInternal
- xyz_scratch_allocated
: SwsInternal
- xyzgamma
: SwsInternal
- xyzgammainv
: SwsInternal