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Data Fields
VC1Context Struct Reference

The VC1 Context. More...

#include <vc1.h>

Data Fields

MpegEncContext s
IntraX8Context x8
H264ChromaContext h264chroma
VC1DSPContext vc1dsp
int bits
int ttfrm
 Transform type info present at frame level. More...
uint8_t ttmbf
 Transform type flag. More...
int * ttblk_base
int * ttblk
 Transform type at the block level. More...
int codingset
 index of current table set from 11.8 to use for luma block decoding More...
int codingset2
 index of current table set from 11.8 to use for chroma block decoding More...
int pqindex
 raw pqindex used in coding set selection More...
int a_avail
int c_avail
uint8_tmb_type [3]
int16_t bfraction
 Relative position % anchors=> how to scale MVs. More...
uint8_t halfpq
 Uniform quant over image and qp+.5. More...
uint8_t respic
 Frame-level flag for resized images. More...
int buffer_fullness
 HRD info. More...
uint8_t mvrange

  1. 0 -> [-64n 63.f] x [-32, 31.f]
  2. 1 -> [-128, 127.f] x [-64, 63.f]
  3. 2 -> [-512, 511.f] x [-128, 127.f]
  4. 3 -> [-1024, 1023.f] x [-256, 255.f].
uint8_t pquantizer
 Uniform (over sequence) quantizer in use. More...
 CBPCY VLC table. More...
int tt_index
 Index for Transform Type tables (to decode TTMB) More...
 bitplane for mv_type == (4MV) More...
 bitplane for "direct" MBs More...
 bitplane for "forward" MBs More...
int mv_type_is_raw
 mv type mb plane is not coded More...
int dmb_is_raw
 direct mb plane is raw More...
int fmb_is_raw
 forward mb plane is raw More...
int skip_is_raw
 skip mb plane is not coded More...
uint8_t last_luty [2][256]
uint8_t last_lutuv [2][256]
 lookup tables used for intensity compensation More...
uint8_t aux_luty [2][256]
uint8_t aux_lutuv [2][256]
 lookup tables used for intensity compensation More...
uint8_t next_luty [2][256]
uint8_t next_lutuv [2][256]
 lookup tables used for intensity compensation More...
uint8_t(* curr_luty )[256]
uint8_t((* curr_lutuv )[256]
int last_use_ic
int * curr_use_ic
int next_use_ic
int aux_use_ic
int rnd
 rounding control More...
uint8_t dmvrange
 Frame decoding info for interlaced picture. More...
int fourmvswitch
int intcomp
uint8_t lumscale2
 for interlaced field P picture More...
uint8_t lumshift2
uint8_t twomvbp
uint8_t fourmvbp
int fieldtx_is_raw
uint8_t zzi_8x8 [64]
 0: frame MV, 1: field MV (interlaced frame) More...
uint8_tmv_f [2]
 0: MV obtained from same field, 1: opposite field More...
uint8_tmv_f_next [2]
int field_mode
 1 for interlaced field pictures More...
int fptype
int second_field
int refdist
 distance of the current picture from reference More...
int numref
 number of past field pictures used as reference More...
int reffield
 if numref = 0 (1 reference) then reffield decides which More...
int intcompfield
 which of the two fields to be intensity compensated More...
int cur_field_type
 0: top, 1: bottom More...
int ref_field_type [2]
 forward and backward reference field type (top or bottom) More...
int blocks_off
int mb_off
int qs_last
 if qpel has been used in the previous (tr.) picture More...
int bmvtype
int frfd
int brfd
 reference frame distance (forward or backward) More...
int first_pic_header_flag
int pic_header_flag
int p_frame_skipped
int bi_type
int x8_type
int16_t(* block )[6][64]
int n_allocated_blks
int cur_blk_idx
int left_blk_idx
int topleft_blk_idx
int top_blk_idx
uint32_t * cbp_base
uint32_t * cbp
int16_t(* luma_mv_base )[2]
int16_t((* luma_mv )[2]
uint8_t bfraction_lut_index
 Index for BFRACTION value (see Table 40, reproduced into ff_vc1_bfraction_lut[]) More...
uint8_t broken_link
 Broken link flag (BROKEN_LINK syntax element) More...
uint8_t closed_entry
 Closed entry point flag (CLOSED_ENTRY syntax element) More...
int end_mb_x
 Horizontal macroblock limit (used only by mss2) More...
int parse_only
 Context is used within parser. More...
int resync_marker
 could this stream contain resync markers More...
int res_sprite
 Simple/Main Profile sequence header. More...
int res_y411
 reserved, old interlaced mode More...
int res_x8
 reserved More...
int multires
 frame-level RESPIC syntax element present More...
int res_fasttx
 reserved, always 1 More...
int res_transtab
 reserved, always 0 More...
int rangered
 RANGEREDFRM (range reduction) syntax element present at frame level. More...
int res_rtm_flag
 reserved, set to 1 More...
int reserved
 reserved More...
int level
 Advanced Profile. More...
int chromaformat
 2 bits, 2=4:2:0, only defined More...
int postprocflag
 Per-frame processing suggestion flag present. More...
int broadcast
 TFF/RFF present. More...
int interlace
 Progressive/interlaced (RPTFTM syntax element) More...
int tfcntrflag
 TFCNTR present. More...
int panscanflag
int refdist_flag
 REFDIST syntax element present in II, IP, PI or PP field picture headers. More...
int extended_dmv
 Additional extended dmv range at P/B-frame-level. More...
int color_prim
 8 bits, chroma coordinates of the color primaries More...
int transfer_char
 8 bits, Opto-electronic transfer characteristics More...
int matrix_coef
 8 bits, Color primaries->YCbCr transform matrix More...
int hrd_param_flag
 Presence of Hypothetical Reference Decoder parameters. More...
int psf
 Progressive Segmented Frame. More...
int profile
 Sequence header data for all Profiles TODO: choose between ints, uint8_ts and monobit flags. More...
int frmrtq_postproc
 3 bits, More...
int bitrtq_postproc
 5 bits, quantized framerate-based postprocessing strength More...
int max_coded_width
int max_coded_height
int fastuvmc
 Rounding of qpel vector to hpel ? (not in Simple) More...
int extended_mv
 Ext MV in P/B (not in Simple) More...
int dquant
 How qscale varies with MBs, 2 bits (not in Simple) More...
int vstransform
 variable-size [48]x[48] transform type + info More...
int overlap
 overlapped transforms in use More...
int quantizer_mode
 2 bits, quantizer mode used for sequence, see QUANT_* More...
int finterpflag
 INTERPFRM present. More...
uint8_t mv_mode
 Frame decoding info for all profiles. More...
uint8_t mv_mode2
 Secondary MV coding mode (B-frames) More...
int k_x
 Number of bits for MVs (depends on MV range) More...
int k_y
 Number of bits for MVs (depends on MV range) More...
int range_x
int range_y
 MV range. More...
uint8_t pq
uint8_t altpq
 Current/alternate frame quantizer scale. More...
uint8_t zz_8x8 [4][64]
 Zigzag table for TT_8x8, permuted for IDCT. More...
int left_blk_sh
int top_blk_sh
 Either 3 or 0, positions of l/t in blk[]. More...
const uint8_tzz_8x4
 Zigzag scan table for TT_8x4 coding mode. More...
const uint8_tzz_4x8
 Zigzag scan table for TT_4x8 coding mode. More...
uint8_t dquantfrm
 pquant parameters More...
uint8_t dqprofile
uint8_t dqsbedge
uint8_t dqbilevel
int c_ac_table_index
 AC coding set indexes. More...
int y_ac_table_index
 Luma index from AC2FRM element. More...
uint8_t lumscale
 Luma compensation parameters. More...
uint8_t lumshift
uint8_t rangeredfrm
 Frame decoding info for S/M profiles only. More...
uint8_t interpfrm
enum FrameCodingMode fcm
 Frame decoding info for Advanced profile. More...
uint8_t numpanscanwin
uint8_t tfcntr
uint8_t rptfrm
uint8_t tff
uint8_t rff
uint16_t topleftx
uint16_t toplefty
uint16_t bottomrightx
uint16_t bottomrighty
uint8_t uvsamp
uint8_t postproc
int hrd_num_leaky_buckets
uint8_t bit_rate_exponent
uint8_t buffer_size_exponent
 AC prediction flags bitplane. More...
int acpred_is_raw
 Overflags bitplane. More...
int overflg_is_raw
uint8_t condover
uint16_t * hrd_rate
uint16_t * hrd_buffer
uint8_t range_mapy_flag
uint8_t range_mapuv_flag
uint8_t range_mapy
uint8_t range_mapuv
int new_sprite
 Frame decoding info for sprite modes. More...
int two_sprites
int output_width
int output_height
int sprite_width
int sprite_height
uint8_tsr_rows [2][2]
 Sprite resizer line cache. More...

Detailed Description

The VC1 Context.

Change size wherever another size is more efficient Many members are only used for Advanced Profile

Definition at line 173 of file vc1.h.

Field Documentation

MpegEncContext VC1Context::s

Definition at line 174 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by bitplane_decoding(), commit_bitstream_and_slice_buffer(), decode_sequence_header_adv(), decode_wmv9(), dxva2_vc1_decode_slice(), dxva2_vc1_end_frame(), dxva2_vc1_start_frame(), ff_vc1_apply_p_loop_filter(), ff_vc1_decode_blocks(), ff_vc1_decode_end(), ff_vc1_decode_entry_point(), ff_vc1_decode_init_alloc_tables(), ff_vc1_decode_sequence_header(), ff_vc1_interp_mc(), ff_vc1_loop_filter_iblk(), ff_vc1_loop_filter_iblk_delayed(), ff_vc1_mc_1mv(), ff_vc1_mc_4mv_chroma(), ff_vc1_mc_4mv_chroma4(), ff_vc1_mc_4mv_luma(), ff_vc1_parse_frame_header(), ff_vc1_parse_frame_header_adv(), ff_vc1_pred_b_mv(), ff_vc1_pred_b_mv_intfi(), ff_vc1_pred_mv(), ff_vc1_pred_mv_intfr(), ff_vc1_smooth_overlap_filter_iblk(), fill_picture_parameters(), fill_slice(), get_chroma_mv(), get_luma_mv(), get_mvdata_interlaced(), init_block_index(), read_bfraction(), scaleforopp(), scaleforsame(), scaleforsame_x(), scaleforsame_y(), vaapi_vc1_decode_slice(), vaapi_vc1_start_frame(), vc1_apply_p_h_loop_filter(), vc1_apply_p_v_loop_filter(), vc1_decode_ac_coeff(), vc1_decode_b_blocks(), vc1_decode_b_mb(), vc1_decode_b_mb_intfi(), vc1_decode_b_mb_intfr(), vc1_decode_frame(), vc1_decode_i_block(), vc1_decode_i_block_adv(), vc1_decode_i_blocks(), vc1_decode_i_blocks_adv(), vc1_decode_init(), vc1_decode_intra_block(), vc1_decode_p_block(), vc1_decode_p_blocks(), vc1_decode_p_mb(), vc1_decode_p_mb_intfi(), vc1_decode_p_mb_intfr(), vc1_decode_skip_blocks(), vc1_extract_header(), vc1_get_MVMODE(), vc1_get_MVMODE2(), vc1_get_PTYPE(), vc1_has_ACPRED_bitplane(), vc1_has_DIRECTMB_bitplane(), vc1_has_MVTYPEMB_bitplane(), vc1_has_OVERFLAGS_bitplane(), vc1_has_SKIPMB_bitplane(), vc1_parse_init(), vc1_put_signed_blocks_clamped(), vdpau_vc1_decode_slice(), vdpau_vc1_start_frame(), vop_dquant_decoding(), and wmv9_init().

IntraX8Context VC1Context::x8

Definition at line 175 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_decode_blocks(), ff_vc1_decode_end(), and ff_vc1_decode_init_alloc_tables().

H264ChromaContext VC1Context::h264chroma
VC1DSPContext VC1Context::vc1dsp
int VC1Context::bits
int VC1Context::res_sprite

Simple/Main Profile sequence header.

reserved, sprite mode

Definition at line 183 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_decode_sequence_header(), vc1_decode_frame(), vc1_decode_init(), and wmv9_init().

int VC1Context::res_y411

reserved, old interlaced mode

Definition at line 184 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_decode_sequence_header(), and wmv9_init().

int VC1Context::res_x8


Definition at line 185 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_decode_sequence_header(), ff_vc1_parse_frame_header(), and wmv9_init().

int VC1Context::multires

frame-level RESPIC syntax element present

Definition at line 186 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_decode_sequence_header(), ff_vc1_parse_frame_header(), fill_picture_parameters(), vaapi_vc1_start_frame(), vdpau_vc1_start_frame(), and wmv9_init().

int VC1Context::res_fasttx

reserved, always 1

Definition at line 187 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_decode_sequence_header(), vc1_decode_init(), and wmv9_init().

int VC1Context::res_transtab

reserved, always 0

Definition at line 188 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_decode_sequence_header(), and wmv9_init().

int VC1Context::rangered

RANGEREDFRM (range reduction) syntax element present at frame level.

Definition at line 189 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_decode_sequence_header(), ff_vc1_parse_frame_header(), fill_picture_parameters(), vaapi_vc1_start_frame(), vdpau_vc1_start_frame(), and wmv9_init().

int VC1Context::res_rtm_flag

reserved, set to 1

Definition at line 191 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by decode_sequence_header_adv(), ff_vc1_decode_sequence_header(), vc1_decode_p_block(), and wmv9_init().

int VC1Context::reserved


Definition at line 192 of file vc1.h.

int VC1Context::level

Advanced Profile.

3 bits, for Advanced/Simple Profile, provided by TS layer

Definition at line 197 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by decode_sequence_header_adv(), and vc1_decode_init().

int VC1Context::chromaformat

2 bits, 2=4:2:0, only defined

Definition at line 198 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by decode_sequence_header_adv(), ff_vc1_decode_sequence_header(), and fill_picture_parameters().

int VC1Context::postprocflag

Per-frame processing suggestion flag present.

Definition at line 199 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by decode_sequence_header_adv(), ff_vc1_parse_frame_header_adv(), fill_picture_parameters(), and vdpau_vc1_start_frame().

int VC1Context::broadcast
int VC1Context::interlace
int VC1Context::tfcntrflag
int VC1Context::panscanflag


Definition at line 203 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_decode_entry_point(), ff_vc1_parse_frame_header_adv(), fill_picture_parameters(), vaapi_vc1_start_frame(), and vdpau_vc1_start_frame().

int VC1Context::refdist_flag

REFDIST syntax element present in II, IP, PI or PP field picture headers.

Definition at line 204 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_decode_entry_point(), ff_vc1_parse_frame_header_adv(), fill_picture_parameters(), vaapi_vc1_start_frame(), and vdpau_vc1_start_frame().

int VC1Context::extended_dmv

Additional extended dmv range at P/B-frame-level.

Definition at line 205 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_decode_entry_point(), ff_vc1_parse_frame_header_adv(), fill_picture_parameters(), vaapi_vc1_start_frame(), and vdpau_vc1_start_frame().

int VC1Context::color_prim

8 bits, chroma coordinates of the color primaries

Definition at line 206 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by decode_sequence_header_adv(), and vc1_decode_init().

int VC1Context::transfer_char

8 bits, Opto-electronic transfer characteristics

Definition at line 207 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by decode_sequence_header_adv(), and vc1_decode_init().

int VC1Context::matrix_coef

8 bits, Color primaries->YCbCr transform matrix

Definition at line 208 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by decode_sequence_header_adv(), and vc1_decode_init().

int VC1Context::hrd_param_flag

Presence of Hypothetical Reference Decoder parameters.

Definition at line 209 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by decode_sequence_header_adv(), and ff_vc1_decode_entry_point().

int VC1Context::psf
int VC1Context::profile
int VC1Context::frmrtq_postproc

3 bits,

Definition at line 219 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by decode_sequence_header_adv(), ff_vc1_decode_sequence_header(), and wmv9_init().

int VC1Context::bitrtq_postproc

5 bits, quantized framerate-based postprocessing strength

Definition at line 220 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by decode_sequence_header_adv(), ff_vc1_decode_sequence_header(), and wmv9_init().

int VC1Context::max_coded_width

Definition at line 221 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by decode_sequence_header_adv(), and ff_vc1_decode_entry_point().

int VC1Context::max_coded_height

Definition at line 221 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by decode_sequence_header_adv(), and ff_vc1_decode_entry_point().

int VC1Context::fastuvmc
int VC1Context::extended_mv
int VC1Context::dquant
int VC1Context::vstransform
int VC1Context::overlap
int VC1Context::quantizer_mode
int VC1Context::finterpflag
uint8_t VC1Context::mv_mode
uint8_t VC1Context::mv_mode2
int VC1Context::k_x

Number of bits for MVs (depends on MV range)

Definition at line 235 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_parse_frame_header(), ff_vc1_parse_frame_header_adv(), and get_mvdata_interlaced().

int VC1Context::k_y

Number of bits for MVs (depends on MV range)

Definition at line 236 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_parse_frame_header(), ff_vc1_parse_frame_header_adv(), and get_mvdata_interlaced().

int VC1Context::range_x
int VC1Context::range_y
uint8_t VC1Context::pq
uint8_t VC1Context::altpq

Current/alternate frame quantizer scale.

Definition at line 238 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by vaapi_vc1_start_frame(), and vop_dquant_decoding().

uint8_t VC1Context::zz_8x8[4][64]

Zigzag table for TT_8x8, permuted for IDCT.

Definition at line 239 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_init_transposed_scantables(), vc1_decode_i_block(), vc1_decode_i_block_adv(), vc1_decode_init(), vc1_decode_intra_block(), and vc1_decode_p_block().

int VC1Context::left_blk_sh
int VC1Context::top_blk_sh

Either 3 or 0, positions of l/t in blk[].

Definition at line 240 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_init_transposed_scantables(), vc1_decode_i_block(), vc1_decode_i_block_adv(), vc1_decode_init(), and vc1_decode_intra_block().

const uint8_t* VC1Context::zz_8x4

Zigzag scan table for TT_8x4 coding mode.

Definition at line 241 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_decode_sequence_header(), vc1_decode_p_block(), and wmv9_init().

const uint8_t* VC1Context::zz_4x8

Zigzag scan table for TT_4x8 coding mode.

Definition at line 242 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_decode_sequence_header(), vc1_decode_p_block(), and wmv9_init().

uint8_t VC1Context::dquantfrm

pquant parameters

Definition at line 245 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_parse_frame_header(), vaapi_vc1_start_frame(), vc1_decode_ac_coeff(), and vop_dquant_decoding().

uint8_t VC1Context::dqprofile

Definition at line 246 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by vaapi_vc1_start_frame(), and vop_dquant_decoding().

uint8_t VC1Context::dqsbedge

Definition at line 247 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by vaapi_vc1_start_frame(), and vop_dquant_decoding().

uint8_t VC1Context::dqbilevel

Definition at line 248 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by vaapi_vc1_start_frame(), and vop_dquant_decoding().

int VC1Context::c_ac_table_index

AC coding set indexes.

See Also, p(1)10Chroma index from ACFRM element

Definition at line 254 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_parse_frame_header(), ff_vc1_parse_frame_header_adv(), vaapi_vc1_start_frame(), vc1_decode_b_blocks(), vc1_decode_i_blocks(), vc1_decode_i_blocks_adv(), and vc1_decode_p_blocks().

int VC1Context::y_ac_table_index

Luma index from AC2FRM element.

Definition at line 255 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_parse_frame_header(), ff_vc1_parse_frame_header_adv(), vaapi_vc1_start_frame(), vc1_decode_i_blocks(), and vc1_decode_i_blocks_adv().

int VC1Context::ttfrm
uint8_t VC1Context::ttmbf
int* VC1Context::ttblk_base

Definition at line 259 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_decode_end(), ff_vc1_decode_init_alloc_tables(), and vc1_decode_p_blocks().

int * VC1Context::ttblk
int VC1Context::codingset
int VC1Context::codingset2
int VC1Context::pqindex
int VC1Context::a_avail
int VC1Context::c_avail
uint8_t* VC1Context::mb_type_base

Definition at line 264 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_decode_end(), and ff_vc1_decode_init_alloc_tables().

uint8_t * VC1Context::mb_type[3]
uint8_t VC1Context::lumscale

Luma compensation parameters.

Definition at line 269 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_parse_frame_header(), ff_vc1_parse_frame_header_adv(), fill_picture_parameters(), and vaapi_vc1_start_frame().

uint8_t VC1Context::lumshift
int16_t VC1Context::bfraction

Relative position % anchors=> how to scale MVs.

Definition at line 272 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_parse_frame_header(), ff_vc1_parse_frame_header_adv(), ff_vc1_pred_b_mv(), ff_vc1_pred_b_mv_intfi(), read_bfraction(), vc1_decode_b_mb(), and vc1_decode_b_mb_intfr().

uint8_t VC1Context::halfpq
uint8_t VC1Context::respic

Frame-level flag for resized images.

Definition at line 274 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by decode_wmv9(), ff_vc1_parse_frame_header(), and vaapi_vc1_start_frame().

int VC1Context::buffer_fullness

HRD info.

Definition at line 275 of file vc1.h.

uint8_t VC1Context::mvrange


  1. 0 -> [-64n 63.f] x [-32, 31.f]
  2. 1 -> [-128, 127.f] x [-64, 63.f]
  3. 2 -> [-512, 511.f] x [-128, 127.f]
  4. 3 -> [-1024, 1023.f] x [-256, 255.f].

Extended MV range flag

Definition at line 282 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_init_common(), ff_vc1_parse_frame_header(), ff_vc1_parse_frame_header_adv(), and vaapi_vc1_start_frame().

uint8_t VC1Context::pquantizer
VLC* VC1Context::cbpcy_vlc
int VC1Context::tt_index
uint8_t* VC1Context::mv_type_mb_plane
uint8_t* VC1Context::direct_mb_plane
uint8_t* VC1Context::forward_mb_plane

bitplane for "forward" MBs

Definition at line 288 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_decode_end(), ff_vc1_decode_init_alloc_tables(), ff_vc1_parse_frame_header_adv(), and vc1_decode_b_mb_intfi().

int VC1Context::mv_type_is_raw

mv type mb plane is not coded

Definition at line 289 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_parse_frame_header(), ff_vc1_parse_frame_header_adv(), vaapi_vc1_start_frame(), vc1_decode_p_mb(), and vc1_has_MVTYPEMB_bitplane().

int VC1Context::dmb_is_raw
int VC1Context::fmb_is_raw

forward mb plane is raw

Definition at line 291 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_parse_frame_header_adv(), and vc1_decode_b_mb_intfi().

int VC1Context::skip_is_raw
uint8_t VC1Context::last_luty[2][256]
uint8_t VC1Context::last_lutuv[2][256]

lookup tables used for intensity compensation

Definition at line 293 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_mc_1mv(), ff_vc1_mc_4mv_chroma(), ff_vc1_mc_4mv_chroma4(), ff_vc1_parse_frame_header(), ff_vc1_parse_frame_header_adv(), and rotate_luts().

uint8_t VC1Context::aux_luty[2][256]

Definition at line 294 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by rotate_luts().

uint8_t VC1Context::aux_lutuv[2][256]

lookup tables used for intensity compensation

Definition at line 294 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by rotate_luts().

uint8_t VC1Context::next_luty[2][256]

Definition at line 295 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_interp_mc(), ff_vc1_mc_1mv(), ff_vc1_mc_4mv_luma(), and rotate_luts().

uint8_t VC1Context::next_lutuv[2][256]

lookup tables used for intensity compensation

Definition at line 295 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_interp_mc(), ff_vc1_mc_1mv(), ff_vc1_mc_4mv_chroma(), ff_vc1_mc_4mv_chroma4(), and rotate_luts().

uint8_t(* VC1Context::curr_luty)[256]
uint8_t((* VC1Context::curr_lutuv)[256]
int VC1Context::last_use_ic
int * VC1Context::curr_use_ic
int VC1Context::next_use_ic
int VC1Context::aux_use_ic

Definition at line 297 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by rotate_luts().

int VC1Context::rnd
uint8_t VC1Context::rangeredfrm
uint8_t VC1Context::interpfrm

Definition at line 303 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_parse_frame_header(), and ff_vc1_parse_frame_header_adv().

enum FrameCodingMode VC1Context::fcm
uint8_t VC1Context::numpanscanwin

Definition at line 309 of file vc1.h.

uint8_t VC1Context::tfcntr

Definition at line 310 of file vc1.h.

uint8_t VC1Context::rptfrm

Definition at line 311 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_parse_frame_header_adv(), vc1_decode_frame(), and vc1_extract_header().

uint8_t VC1Context::tff
uint8_t VC1Context::rff

Definition at line 311 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_parse_frame_header_adv(), vc1_decode_frame(), and vc1_extract_header().

uint16_t VC1Context::topleftx

Definition at line 312 of file vc1.h.

uint16_t VC1Context::toplefty

Definition at line 313 of file vc1.h.

uint16_t VC1Context::bottomrightx

Definition at line 314 of file vc1.h.

uint16_t VC1Context::bottomrighty

Definition at line 315 of file vc1.h.

uint8_t VC1Context::uvsamp

Definition at line 316 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_parse_frame_header_adv().

uint8_t VC1Context::postproc

Definition at line 317 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_parse_frame_header_adv(), and vaapi_vc1_start_frame().

int VC1Context::hrd_num_leaky_buckets

Definition at line 318 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by decode_sequence_header_adv(), and ff_vc1_decode_entry_point().

uint8_t VC1Context::bit_rate_exponent

Definition at line 319 of file vc1.h.

uint8_t VC1Context::buffer_size_exponent

Definition at line 320 of file vc1.h.

uint8_t* VC1Context::acpred_plane
int VC1Context::acpred_is_raw
uint8_t* VC1Context::over_flags_plane
int VC1Context::overflg_is_raw
uint8_t VC1Context::condover
uint16_t* VC1Context::hrd_rate

Definition at line 326 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_decode_end(), and ff_vc1_init_common().

uint16_t * VC1Context::hrd_buffer

Definition at line 326 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_decode_end(), and ff_vc1_init_common().

uint8_t* VC1Context::hrd_fullness

Definition at line 327 of file vc1.h.

uint8_t VC1Context::range_mapy_flag
uint8_t VC1Context::range_mapuv_flag
uint8_t VC1Context::range_mapy
uint8_t VC1Context::range_mapuv
uint8_t VC1Context::dmvrange

Frame decoding info for interlaced picture.

Extended differential MV range flag

Definition at line 335 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_parse_frame_header_adv(), and get_mvdata_interlaced().

int VC1Context::fourmvswitch

Definition at line 336 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_parse_frame_header_adv(), and vc1_decode_p_mb_intfr().

int VC1Context::intcomp

Definition at line 337 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_parse_frame_header_adv(), and fill_picture_parameters().

uint8_t VC1Context::lumscale2

for interlaced field P picture

Definition at line 338 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_parse_frame_header_adv(), and fill_picture_parameters().

uint8_t VC1Context::lumshift2

Definition at line 339 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_parse_frame_header_adv(), and fill_picture_parameters().

VLC* VC1Context::mbmode_vlc
VLC* VC1Context::imv_vlc

Definition at line 341 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_parse_frame_header_adv(), and get_mvdata_interlaced().

VLC* VC1Context::twomvbp_vlc
VLC* VC1Context::fourmvbp_vlc
uint8_t VC1Context::twomvbp

Definition at line 344 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by vc1_decode_b_mb_intfr(), and vc1_decode_p_mb_intfr().

uint8_t VC1Context::fourmvbp
uint8_t* VC1Context::fieldtx_plane
int VC1Context::fieldtx_is_raw

Definition at line 347 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_parse_frame_header_adv(), and vc1_decode_i_blocks_adv().

uint8_t VC1Context::zzi_8x8[64]
uint8_t* VC1Context::blk_mv_type_base

Definition at line 349 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_decode_end(), and ff_vc1_decode_init_alloc_tables().

uint8_t * VC1Context::blk_mv_type

0: frame MV, 1: field MV (interlaced frame)

Definition at line 349 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_decode_init_alloc_tables(), ff_vc1_mc_4mv_chroma4(), ff_vc1_mc_4mv_luma(), ff_vc1_pred_mv_intfr(), vc1_decode_b_mb_intfr(), and vc1_decode_p_mb_intfr().

uint8_t* VC1Context::mv_f_base

Definition at line 350 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_decode_end(), and ff_vc1_decode_init_alloc_tables().

uint8_t * VC1Context::mv_f[2]

0: MV obtained from same field, 1: opposite field

Definition at line 350 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_decode_init_alloc_tables(), ff_vc1_mc_4mv_luma(), ff_vc1_pred_b_mv_intfi(), ff_vc1_pred_mv(), get_luma_mv(), and vc1_decode_frame().

uint8_t* VC1Context::mv_f_next_base

Definition at line 351 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_decode_end(), and ff_vc1_decode_init_alloc_tables().

uint8_t * VC1Context::mv_f_next[2]
int VC1Context::field_mode
int VC1Context::fptype

Definition at line 353 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_parse_frame_header_adv().

int VC1Context::second_field
int VC1Context::refdist

distance of the current picture from reference

Definition at line 355 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_parse_frame_header_adv(), fill_picture_parameters(), scaleforopp(), scaleforsame_x(), and scaleforsame_y().

int VC1Context::numref

number of past field pictures used as reference

Definition at line 356 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_mc_4mv_chroma(), ff_vc1_parse_frame_header_adv(), ff_vc1_pred_mv(), and get_mvdata_interlaced().

int VC1Context::reffield

if numref = 0 (1 reference) then reffield decides which

Definition at line 358 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_parse_frame_header_adv(), and ff_vc1_pred_mv().

int VC1Context::intcompfield

which of the two fields to be intensity compensated

Definition at line 360 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_parse_frame_header_adv().

int VC1Context::cur_field_type
int VC1Context::ref_field_type[2]

forward and backward reference field type (top or bottom)

Definition at line 363 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_interp_mc(), ff_vc1_mc_1mv(), ff_vc1_mc_4mv_chroma(), ff_vc1_mc_4mv_luma(), ff_vc1_parse_frame_header_adv(), ff_vc1_pred_b_mv_intfi(), ff_vc1_pred_mv(), scaleforopp_y(), and scaleforsame_y().

int VC1Context::blocks_off
int VC1Context::mb_off
int VC1Context::qs_last

if qpel has been used in the previous (tr.) picture

Definition at line 365 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_parse_frame_header(), and ff_vc1_parse_frame_header_adv().

int VC1Context::bmvtype

Definition at line 366 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_pred_b_mv_intfi(), and vc1_decode_b_mb_intfi().

int VC1Context::frfd

Definition at line 367 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_parse_frame_header_adv(), scaleforopp(), scaleforsame_x(), and scaleforsame_y().

int VC1Context::brfd

reference frame distance (forward or backward)

Definition at line 367 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_parse_frame_header_adv(), scaleforopp(), scaleforopp_x(), scaleforopp_y(), scaleforsame(), scaleforsame_x(), and scaleforsame_y().

int VC1Context::first_pic_header_flag
int VC1Context::pic_header_flag

Definition at line 369 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_parse_frame_header_adv(), and vc1_decode_frame().

int VC1Context::new_sprite

Frame decoding info for sprite modes.

Definition at line 373 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by vc1_decode_frame().

int VC1Context::two_sprites

Definition at line 374 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by vc1_decode_frame().

AVFrame* VC1Context::sprite_output_frame

Definition at line 375 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_decode_end(), vc1_decode_frame(), and vc1_decode_init().

int VC1Context::output_width

Definition at line 376 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_decode_init_alloc_tables(), vc1_decode_frame(), and vc1_decode_init().

int VC1Context::output_height

Definition at line 376 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by vc1_decode_frame(), and vc1_decode_init().

int VC1Context::sprite_width

Definition at line 376 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by vc1_decode_frame(), and vc1_decode_init().

int VC1Context::sprite_height

Definition at line 376 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by vc1_decode_frame(), and vc1_decode_init().

uint8_t* VC1Context::sr_rows[2][2]

Sprite resizer line cache.

Definition at line 377 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_decode_end(), and ff_vc1_decode_init_alloc_tables().

int VC1Context::p_frame_skipped
int VC1Context::bi_type
int VC1Context::x8_type

Definition at line 382 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_decode_blocks(), and ff_vc1_parse_frame_header().

int16_t(* VC1Context::block)[6][64]
int VC1Context::n_allocated_blks

Definition at line 385 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_decode_init_alloc_tables().

int VC1Context::cur_blk_idx
int VC1Context::left_blk_idx
int VC1Context::topleft_blk_idx
int VC1Context::top_blk_idx
uint32_t* VC1Context::cbp_base

Definition at line 386 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_decode_end(), ff_vc1_decode_init_alloc_tables(), and vc1_decode_p_blocks().

uint32_t * VC1Context::cbp
uint8_t* VC1Context::is_intra_base
uint8_t * VC1Context::is_intra
int16_t(* VC1Context::luma_mv_base)[2]

Definition at line 388 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_decode_end(), ff_vc1_decode_init_alloc_tables(), and vc1_decode_p_blocks().

int16_t((* VC1Context::luma_mv)[2]
uint8_t VC1Context::bfraction_lut_index

Index for BFRACTION value (see Table 40, reproduced into ff_vc1_bfraction_lut[])

Definition at line 389 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by fill_slice(), read_bfraction(), and vaapi_vc1_start_frame().

uint8_t VC1Context::broken_link

Broken link flag (BROKEN_LINK syntax element)

Definition at line 390 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_decode_entry_point(), and vaapi_vc1_start_frame().

uint8_t VC1Context::closed_entry

Closed entry point flag (CLOSED_ENTRY syntax element)

Definition at line 391 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_decode_entry_point(), and vaapi_vc1_start_frame().

int VC1Context::end_mb_x

Horizontal macroblock limit (used only by mss2)

Definition at line 393 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by decode_wmv9(), vc1_decode_frame(), and vc1_decode_i_blocks().

int VC1Context::parse_only

Context is used within parser.

Definition at line 395 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_parse_frame_header(), ff_vc1_parse_frame_header_adv(), and vc1_extract_header().

int VC1Context::resync_marker

could this stream contain resync markers

Definition at line 396 of file vc1.h.

Referenced by ff_vc1_decode_sequence_header(), fill_picture_parameters(), vaapi_vc1_start_frame(), vdpau_vc1_start_frame(), and wmv9_init().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: